Appointments can be made by telephone or via our online booking tool.

Appointments requested by email will of course be considered, but are not considered as booked without any confirmation.

Cancellation policy:

If you need to cancel or postpone a massage appointment, please let us know 24 hours in advance.

For appointments that are not canceled on time and not attended, the booked service will be charged.


are available directly from us in the store. If you are unable to come by, please send us an email.


 All our masseuses wear hygiene masks during the treatments. 

Desinfection is availbale in every room.

Our rooms are daily cleaned and ventilated and the beds get of course changed after every customer.


Please inform your massage therapist in advance of any operations, accidents, injuries, illnesses or pregnancy.

If you are suffering from a cold, inflammation (e.g. fever) or a skin complaint, or if you have recently had an infection, you should avoid receiving a massage treatment.


Massages in the heart of Zurich

“You must offer something good to the body so that the soul wants to live in it.”
Winston Churchill

Treat yourself to a soothing massage of your choice and take some precious time for body, mind and soul.

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